Terms and Conditions


Dream Royale Affiliate Program (referred to as "DR Affiliates") specializes in providing, marketing, and promoting online casino services (the "Service"), managed through a website at https://www.royaleaffiliates.com/ (the "Site").

The Referral Company or person (hereafter "Referral Company/Affiliate") wishes to obtain from DR Affiliates, and DR Affiliates agrees to grant, a non-exclusive right and license to advertise, market, and promote the Service. By completing the Affiliate Application to the Dream Royale Affiliate Program (the "Affiliate Program") and clicking "Submit" on the form, the Referral Company/Affiliate agrees to comply with all terms and conditions set out in this Agreement, including the various Commission Structures applicable to different products.

DR Affiliates will reimburse the Referral Company/Affiliate for these promotional services according to the following terms and conditions:

1. Grant of Promotion and Distribution License

1.1. DR Affiliates grants the Referral Company/Affiliate a non-exclusive, non-transferable right and license to advertise, market, and promote the Service ("Promotion Rights") under the terms of this Agreement. DR Affiliates will evaluate the Affiliate Membership Form submitted and notify the Applicant via email regarding acceptance. The Company reserves the right to refuse any registration at its sole discretion.

1.2. Qualifying Conditions

The Referral Company/Affiliate warrants that: a) They are of legal age to enter into an Agreement. b) They are authorized to enter into binding Agreements on behalf of the Referral Company/Affiliate and/or the Website. c) They own all rights, licenses, and permits to market, promote, and advertise DR Affiliates' services as per this Agreement. d) They will comply with all applicable laws and regulations in promoting DR Affiliates. e) They fully understand and accept the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

Affiliate applications will be immediately denied if their site contains: a) Sexually explicit or pornographic material. b) Graphic violent content. c) Content aimed at minors. d) Politically or controversially intended content. e) Prejudicial, hateful, threatening, or discriminatory content.

2. Obligations of DR Affiliates

2.1. DR Affiliates retains the right to provide the Service in any form it deems appropriate and may change or cancel any part of the Service at any time without prior notice to the Referral Company. Strategic changes, such as service cancellation, will be communicated in advance.

2.2. DR Affiliates is not responsible for any loss of income or ability to generate income incurred by the Referral Company/Affiliate due to service delivery issues, regardless of fault.

2.3. DR Affiliates reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions at any time.

2.4. DR Affiliates will provide the Affiliate with necessary information and marketing materials for implementing the link.

2.5. DR Affiliates will manage turnover generated via the links, record net revenues, provide commission statistics, and handle customer service related to the business. A unique tracking ID will be assigned to all referred customers.

2.6. DR Affiliates will pay the Affiliate based on the traffic generated according to this Agreement's terms.

2.7. The Referral Company/Affiliate will not generate traffic through illegal or fraudulent activities, such as: a. Sending spam. b. Using incorrect metatags. c. Registering as a player or making deposits for personal use or for others to increase commissions fraudulently.

2.8. The Referral Company/Affiliate may not use DR Affiliates' trademarks or intellectual property without written consent.

3. Obligations of the Referral Company

3.1. The Referral Company will actively and effectively advertise, market, and promote the Service to maximize benefits for both parties.

3.2. The Referral Company/Affiliate will engage in lawful advertising, marketing, and promotional efforts that positively reflect on DR Affiliates' reputation. DR Affiliates reserves the right to review and approve the methods used.

3.3. DR Affiliates is not liable for any claims arising from the Referral Company/Affiliate's marketing efforts. The Referral Company will cover all advertising costs.

3.4. Affiliates may only have one Account per casino represented by DR Affiliates, but can use it for multiple domains or websites. Multiple accounts may be allowed on a case-by-case basis.

3.5. The Referral Company must stay updated on changes to Terms & Conditions affecting commissions and payments.

4. Compensation

4.1. The Referral Company's compensation is based on the Program (CPA, Revenue Sharing, First Post-Up, or Overall Deposits).

4.1.1. Revenue Sharing (Standard Commission Structure)

                    · Up to 50 depositors: 25%

                    · 50+ to 200 depositors: 30%

                    · 200+ depositors: 35% Lifetime

4.1.2. CPA Model (Available After Negotiation)

                    · Compensation is based on each depositing player.

                    · Available terms and conditions upon request. Restrictions may apply based on the affiliate's country of residence due to fraud potential.

4.2. "Net Loss/Net Losses" means total referred customer losses minus winnings, bonuses, chargebacks, and banned player balances.

4.3. The 2-tier model: Referring new affiliates earns 2% of their Net Profit.

4.4. Negative balance: No negative carryover. Accounts with negative balances due to fraudulent actions or chargebacks may have payments withheld.

4.5. DR Affiliates pays monthly for the preceding month's services. Payments under $500 will roll over to the next month.

4.6. Payments may be withheld if the Referral Company/Affiliate breaches the Terms and Conditions.

4.7. Affiliates who are also players may not receive payments for personal losses.

4.8. Commissions may be reversed if chargebacks occur on referred transactions.

4.9. Fraud costs and bank fees may be passed on to the Referral Company/Affiliate.

4.10. DR Affiliates reserves the right to change the Terms & Conditions at any time.

5. Term of Duration and Cancellation

5.1. DR Affiliates can cancel Promotion Rights immediately if the Referral Company/Affiliate materially breaches the Terms and Conditions, engages in harmful promotional efforts, or exposes DR Affiliates to legal liability.

5.2. Upon cancellation, the Referral Company/Affiliate must return all proprietary materials and remove hyperlinks and materials from their site.

5.3. If not in default, the Referral Company/Affiliate will continue to receive Referral Percentages for up to four months post-cancellation.

5.4. User information remains the property of DR Affiliates.

5.5. Either party may terminate the Agreement with a thirty (30) day written notice.

5.6. Upon termination: a. All rights and licenses revert to their licensors. b. The Referral Company/Affiliate is entitled to earned but unpaid commissions. c. The Company may withhold final payment to ensure accuracy. d. If terminated for breach, unpaid commissions may be withheld. e. Confidential information must be returned. f. The Company is released from obligations arising after termination, except those designed to survive termination.

6. Account Statements

6.1. Payments are made by the 15th of each month for the previous month's services. Adjustments may occur for overpayments or underpayments.

6.2. The Referral Company/Affiliate can monitor payments in real-time via a secure website.

6.3. Payment disputes must be raised within 60 days of receipt. No claims will be entertained after this period.

6.4. No negative carryover is practiced, but "virtual fencing" may be used to protect monthly earnings from large customer winnings.

7. Exclusivity, Non-Competition, and Ownership of Service Name

7.1. DR Affiliates may enter similar Agreements with third parties.

7.2. The Referral Company/Affiliate has no proprietary rights to DR Affiliates' trademarks, logos, or designations.

7.3. DR Affiliates retains all copyrights and proprietary rights. The Referral Company/Affiliate must not claim any rights to DR Affiliates' intellectual property.

7.4. The Referral Company/Affiliate must not register any trademarks or proprietary rights of DR Affiliates or assist third parties in doing so.

8. Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure

The Referral Company/Affiliate and DR Affiliates agree to protect each other's Confidential Information and not misuse or disclose it.

9. Representations, Warranties, and Indemnity

9.1. The Referral Company/Affiliate warrants they have all necessary rights and licenses to promote the Service and will comply with all applicable laws.

10. Indemnification

The Referral Company/Affiliate agrees to indemnify and hold DR Affiliates harmless against any claims arising from: a) Breaches of representations, warranties, or covenants. b) Use of marketing materials. c) Activities under their user ID and password. d) Defamatory or illegal material on their site. e) Infringements of third-party rights. f) Third-party access or use of their site. g) Violations of this Agreement.

11. Severability/Waiver

If any provision is deemed invalid, it will be ineffective only to the extent of its invalidity, without affecting the remainder of the Agreement. Waivers must be in writing.

12. Confidentiality

All business and financial information, customer lists, and other proprietary information of DR Affiliates must be kept confidential. This provision survives termination.

13. Governing Law

This Agreement is governed by the laws of the Republic of Costa Rica. Invalid provisions will be amended to conform to applicable law or be stricken if necessary, without affecting the rest of the Agreement.

14. Commission Structures

Revenue Share Commission Structure New Affiliates start with a default commission of 25% of Net Revenue.

CPA Commission Structure Affiliates may request a CPA program offering a one-time payment for each player meeting deposit criteria.

Tiered Commission Structure Affiliates referring new affiliates earn a percentage of their commissions.

15. Miscellaneous

a. Entire Agreement: This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the parties. b. Amendments: DR Affiliates reserves the right to amend the Agreement with notice to the Affiliate. c. Assignment: This Agreement cannot be assigned by the Affiliate without DR Affiliates' consent. d. Notices: All notices must be in writing.

This Agreement reflects the complete understanding of the parties and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, whether written or oral.

By completing the online registration form and clicking "I Agree," the Referral Company/Affiliate agrees to abide by all terms and conditions outlined above.